Friday, February 20, 2009

Aunt Katie and Amelia's Valentine's date

Katie is busy at work, I'm sure enlightening the minds of her precious special-ed students. I don't know if they're being precious today or not. I'm just giving them the benefit of the doubt.

I'm copying the content of an email she sent me with photos of her night with Amelia while Cliff and I went out for Valentine's. I think they had a good time.

From Katie:
Our night consisted of:
-lots of talking/telling secrets/playing on the couch
-playing on the floor

She was so into looking at everything and then eating it.

-back to the couch for more playing/eating toys

-repeatedly trying to roll over and falling asleep MID-ROLL-getting pj's on without ever waking up Ok, now it's me again. (Angela)

Ha, I love these! I love photos that tell a story. As you can see, she spent some time in just her diaper. She just loves not having clothes on. Look how she fell asleep gripping the blanket from trying to roll over. Poor baby just wore herself out!

Thanks for babysitting, Katie! We had a great night out, and I love getting to see what my baby did while we were gone. Mama, can you please begin taking photos of everything Amelia does while you have her? It really makes me feel better about leaving her. I wonder if I can request that from Ms. Stacy at daycare...

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