Monday, October 20, 2008

No real news to report

Just a quick update- at my appointment last week, I had started to dilate just a little, not even a whole centimeter yet. They'll do an ultrasound at my next appointment on Wednesday to estimate how big the baby is. Yikes! I am terrified that she is going to be huge, ha. But progress is progress, so she is on her way!

These past couple of weeks have been so hectic as I try to prepare for Amelia's arrival. I've been spending my days finishing up things at work and my evenings washing baby things, trying to pack for the hospital, and getting my house clean and ready for baby. I had speaking engagements at 3 of our biggest high schools last week, and I spent lots of time walking and climbing stairs, which I think may have contributed to the labor progress. After all that, I have just been too tired to post on the blog.

I am happy to report that we are now pretty much done with our preparations and we can finally relax and wait for Amelia to show up. I had planned to spend my whole weekend cleaning my house and doing laundry, but was pleasantly surprised when Katie showed up with her fancy vacuum cleaner to help. Not that Amelia would care, but I just couldn't fathom bringing her home to a house with dusty baseboards! Katie even braved cleaning my bathroom, which was appreciated so much. Cleaning takes me so much longer these days because I tire so easily and have to stop every now and then. Now the baseboards are clean, her room is tidy, and we are just waiting to bring her home.

But of course in our lives, nothing is ever easy, so I have to add a little side note about our weekend drama. As we were getting in the car to go to church yesterday morning, I discovered that my wallet, along with our "Dave Ramsey envelope system," which contained over a couple of hundred dollars in cash, were missing. I was dumb to leave my purse in my car, and it was even unlocked for our lucky thief. I had sent Cliff out to my car the night before to get something, and he accidentally left it unlocked. UGH! It is always something with us!

Now I have to deal with replacing my license, debit card, insurance cards, everything. What a pain! We are just grateful it wasn't something worse, as all those things are replaceable. I hope I have learned my lesson that I no longer live in the country and have got to be more careful about leaving things in my car!

I'll be sure to pass on news after Wednesday when we have a better idea of when we can expect to meet Miss Amelia Kate Furr!

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