Saturday, January 30, 2010
Cheering for Daddy
15 months
- is expanding her vocabulary all the time. She will pretty much try to repeat whatever we ask her to, when she is in the mood, of course. She has several words that she says on her own, with the newest being "thank-you." She loves to bring something to me and I'll say thank you, then she'll take it to Cliff, and back and forth.
- loves to "cook." I've mentioned this before, but she isn't as into toys as much as getting a bowl and a wooden spoon, or a bowl and an ink pen, or any stick-like tool to stir with. She likes to stir something up and then bring it to me or Cliff to "taste." It's quite cute, but I have to say she must have gotten it from the Food Network because my own stirring in the kitchen has been minimal since she was born.
- loves to put things in containers and take them out. Katie says this is developmental, so I guess that's a good thing. (She teaches elementary special-ed.) For example, the other night I gave her a Crystal Light container to play with- you know, the cyllinder thing. She occupied herself for like 30 minutes putting stuff in that container, putting the lid on and shaking it up. Seriously, why do we buy this child any toys?
- is impossible to take to restaurants now. Katie, is this developmental too, or just bratty? Either way, she refuses to sit in her high chair and makes a huge embarassing scene pretty much every time we try to go out. It's sad for Cliff and me since going out to eat used to be our main form of weekend entertainment, which is sad in itself. We are doing a lot more sandwiches, frozen pizzas and take-out these days. Maybe one day we'll be able to show our faces in a restaurant again.
- gives her daddy and me the biggest, sloppiest kisses of all time and we could not love it any more. Sometimes she tries to bite my cheek and she dies out laughing when I say ouch. We do this routine about two or three nights a week while trying to calm down for bedtime.
- has become a tall, skinny girl! She has hit a height growth spurt lately, and her fat little baby legs have gotten longer and leaner. I would be sad about that, but she still has her pinchable cheeks. As long as we have those and that baby face for a while longer, I am ok. When they weighed her at her check-up last week she was 22 pounds, which is a pound less than at her one-year check-up. This is partly due to her being sick and not eating much and partly because it was a different scale than they usually weigh her on. I'm eager to see what she weighs at her 15-month appointment this week.
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Dora fan
For now, we're sticking with the adorable yet educational Dora. I caught Mimi singing along to the show yesterday in the first video clip and in the second I am asking her to share some of her favorite Dora words this morning before getting ready for church. She still has bed head and her sleepy face, ha.
Backpack, Backpack from Angela Furr on Vimeo.
Dora Words from Angela Furr on Vimeo.Friday, January 22, 2010
Just some stuff
In other career news (BTW it feels totally weird to talk about anything other than Amelia, but I'm going with it) my first big publication came out a few weeks ago featuring a photo taken by yours truly on the cover. I had to send the pic to Lindey and ask her how she felt about me starting up my new photography business called Angela Furr photography. I will focus my art on babies, weddings, seniors and families, and will be doing sessions on a railroad track near you! Oh, I kid.
But I am kinda proud of The Colinian, our alumni magazine, and my photo on the cover. If you are an alum and want to receive our mailings, add your info to the web site.
Here are some recent snaps from the past week:
My parents came over Saturday to
visit me play with Amelia, and I had to get a shot of Amelia playing horsey with my dad. Amelia loves her Grammy and Papa so much, and they are just crazy about her.Who wouldn't love a Grammy and Papa who get on the floor and growl and chase you? After they left, Amelia expected me to continue to entertain her and she cried because she couldn't climb in her toy box. I finally put her in it, but sadly that entertainment only lasted about 30 seconds and she was on to the next activity. Saturdays wear me out!
We have had some beautiful days here in South Mississippi this week. I couldn't wait to get home the other day to put on some tennis shoes and pull Amelia around the neighborhood in her wagon. She was pretty pumped about it too.
I thought I'd get some exercise, but we only made it up the street to Aunt Katie's house because Amelia was fascinated by her dog, Sweet Pea and all the kids playing in the street (it's a one-way street). Instead of walking all around the neighborhood, we just hung out with Katie and let Amelia play with the puppy and the big kids. They were so sweet to her, and she loved every second of it.
You'll notice Amelia's snack cup appears in most of our recent photos. What can we say- she likes to keep a snack on hand at all times. If you're a mom to a toddler and haven't seen these, they are great! We were tragically just carrying our gold fish around in a ziplock bag until Amelia spied her pal Pailyn's handy cup, and we had to get our own. They are made so the kid can help themselves to their snacks without spilling them. Warning: this spill-proof method does not apply when your kid bites the lid off and pours out the snacks.
And of course, since Amelia is constantly snacking, we can't forget to brush those little teefies! We had been using the baby toothbrush that goes over mom or dad's finger, but after she became a biter, we had to step it up to the next level. Her daddy picked out her brand new Barbie toothbrush, and here she is checking it out.
She now has eight teeth, four on top and four on bottom. Those two more on the bottom just popped through this week. I told her to open wide and say "Ahh," and she did just that!
Friday, January 15, 2010
Sick girl
She went downhill fast- coughing, wheezing, running fever and had no appetite. After dropping everything to go get her at daycare, I had some loose ends to tie up at work and I was so thankful that Aunt Mare was able to come love on our girl while I took care of things in order to take the rest of the week off.
After lots of Motrin and round-the-clock breathing treatments, today she is almost back to her old self. She's still wheezing and coughing a little bit, but today we resumed several of our daily activities, such as...
Wagon riding:
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Just a little dancin'
Mimi loves Jay- Z from Angela Furr on Vimeo.
Unusual sleeping habits
Saturday, January 2, 2010
Gallery is up!
I am a little sad we don't have any more photo shoots to look forward to in the near future! We'll probably wait until she is two to do another. I treasure all of our fabulous photos, and I can already tell you that the coffee table book that I will be getting will become one of my most prized possessions! You just can't put a price on your baby's face captured in a beautiful photograph. At least that's what I will be telling Cliff when I get ready to do my order...
Let me know which ones you like the best!
Friday, January 1, 2010
A 14-month-old Mimi update
I decided not to do a 13 month update because I didn't have much new news to report since her 12 month one. She turned 14 months old on the 29th and I have been trying to decide if I would keep doing monthly updates since she is a year old, and I decided I'll just pop them in periodically when I have something new to share. She was growing and changing so quickly from month to month her first year, and she still is, but the developments have slowed down a tad. Also, I really hate trying to count up how many months old she is now. I would rather just say she's one when people ask. Is that bad? It's so funny to me when I hear someone say their kid is 22 months old. I have to do the math in my head. Why not just say, almost two? Anyway...
At 14 months, Amelia:
- is talking up a storm! She's been a chatterbox for a while now, but she is adding to her vocabulary pretty quickly. The words she says the most are da-da, ma-ma, baby, bye-bye, ball, book, dog (except she still says 'ga'), hey, papa, pa paw, cup-cup (she always says it twice. it's so funny), ba (ok, not a word, but she means bottle), and most recently cheese. I'm sure there are more, but these are the main ones we hear her say. Her first sentence was "Hey baby!" ha! Here's a quick clip I got of her saying cheese the other night. She said it much more clearly when I wasn't filming, and she really wanted to grab the camera, but you can hear her sweet little voice.
- has become a picky eater. She has been such a good eater from the start, but lately she has wanted to be on an all carb diet (much like her mama, oops). She loves bread, crackers, cookies, pasta, etc. Who can blame her, really? But I am trying my hardest to get her to eat more protein and veggies. I can sneak them in with her pasta, but she is too smart for me when I try to get her to eat meat. Hopefully this is just a stage, and she will start eating a more rounded diet again soon.
- has finally started really getting into everything. We were pretty fortunate that she didn't venture out of whatever room I am in, or get into stuff she isn't supposed to for the longest time, but she has discovered that there are some pretty fun things to be found in drawers and cabinets. We finally got around to childproofing, and it has devastated her not to be able to drag stuff out!
- can climb down off the couch by herself, but still can't quite climb up onto it. This is very frustrating for her.
- loves to play with her baby dolls and push them in her stroller.
- loves all books, but her favorite one is Five Little Ladybugs.
- still takes her paci at naptime and bedtime, and is down to one bottle a day, at night before bed. I kinda dropped the ball on taking it away because she was congested for several days and didn't feel like eating anything. I think she might just give it up on her own.
- is obsessed with eating goldfish crackers.
- still loves music and likes to sing and dance. Jay-Z and Alicia Keyes' "Empire State of Mind" is her absolute favorite song.
- loves nothing more than being growled at and chased! You will be her instant bff if you growl at her and say "I'm gonna get you!" She always squeals and tries to run away. Peek-a-boo and patty cake (pat a cake?) are also favorites.
- loves to play outside, but unfortunately we haven't been able to do that much lately.
Yesterday we went to Hattiesburg to go wedding dress shopping with Aunt Mare. I had to snap these of her playing peek-a-boo with Grammy outside the bridal shop. I'm sure there are lots of photographic things wrong with all the sun, shadows, etc., but you get the idea that she was having a ball in that leopard print dress!
I do miss when she was an itty bitty baby, but toddler-hood is pretty fun too. She is such a fun little person now!