Now for the photos. Thanks so much to Aunt Katie for capturing the memories. She took over 400 pics! Then she narrowed it down to just over 200, and now I'm going to try to narrow it down to just a few for this post. If you are so inclined to view all of them (or purchase prints if you want), you can go here. I think you have to register on Snapfish to look, but it doesn't take long.
First the decor:
I loved putting together the candy buffet. The decor becomes a party favor!
Ok, enough about that. On to the star of the show, the birthday girl!
My parents bought the two jumpys a few years ago after they had rented some a few times for kids parties at church. I asked them why they purhased them, and they said at the time, "Well, we can use them for the grandchildren." I remember telling them, "Um, you don't have any grandchildren." This was not long after Cliff and I got married and I certainly wasn't thinking about kids at the time.
Well, that day has now come, and we all enjoyed getting to see Amelia play in the jumpy houses. No one loved it more than my parents. Those things paid for themselves as soon as they heard her giggling on that slide.
Side note: Have y'all seen that show on A&E, Hoarders? Well, we think Amelia might be one. She always has to have a bunch of stuff in her hands and tries to get around with her arms loaded down with stuff. Here she has Lovie in one hand and a shoe in the other while she's sliding. Anyway...
Here she is playing on the fun little slide Grammy and Papa got her for her birthday. We love to play outside, but we didn't have a lot to do out there, so now we are excited to have outdoor toys.

Uncle Chris and the birthday girl. His face is healing well after his accident. Thanks for your prayers for him. So many of Amelia's little friends were sweet enough to join us. Here she is greeting snuggly little Carter.
And Tucker.
Misti and Madelyn with me and Mimi. It's only been a couple of months since we saw Madelyn at her birthday luau, and she has gotten so big since then.
Here we are doing our Wolfpack pose. Misti and I grew up together and were roomates at Co-Lin, and we met Nina and Givens there and we were all roomies our sophomore year. Look at Madelyn doing the wolfpack too! Amelia is doing the "let's see if I can get my whole hand in my mouth" pose.
Time for cake! I've dreamed about seeing my little girl dig into her first birthday cake for the longest time, before I ever even met her.
Our sweet friend, Pailyn came to the party and asked her mama to bring her camera along. Isn't the roo thoughtful? 
Not only did her mama bring her camera, but she took some fabulous shots of the party. If you're friends with me on facebook, she tagged me in a few there, and if you're not, hop on over to Pailyn's very own blog to see a few of her mama's shots. Thanks, Lindey! We invited you and the roo as our guests, but the surprise of the fab photos was better than we could have imagined!
More party snapshots. Someone was getting a little tired.
More party snapshots. Someone was getting a little tired.
Love this one of Braden. Those polka dot balloons made me so happy.
Birthday girl and Uncle Justin.
Aunt Mare and our cousin Ashley with her little girl, Aubrey.

Losing her headband on the slide.
Talkin to sweet Nana.
Aunt Katie took a break to be in a couple of pics. This was at the end of the party when the tutu and bow came off and the little hostess was winding down. Notice she's hoarding again. Lovie and a lollipop and probably a shoe in there somewhere too.
Ok, looks like it was two lollipops. Silly girl.
Love this one of her and Joyce.
Love this one of her and Joyce.
As soon as she got inside she was out! She didn't want to give it up until the last person left. She just loves entertaining. That's my girl!
Thanks to all our friends and family who came (some from great distances) and helped us celebrate Amelia's special day. Special thanks to my parents, Katie, Mare and Justin for helping us get everything together.
As you may have noticed, the party was wonderful. I am so thankful to have all these precious memories and photos to share with Amelia one day. We are blessed beyond measure to have her in our lives! Her real birthday is Thursday, so check back then for her twelve-month update.
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